

If there is no passion in your work, people can feel it in the end product. Passion, combined with an expert level skill set, can make any game into an amazing and memorable experience for players. This is what Louis Strongin strives to achieve. Since the beginning of Louis’ career in the video game industry, he has always aimed for the highest quality of work. Nothing short will do. If it is not amazing to look at and not fun to play, then it is not a good game. And passion for that beautiful reality is what drives him to do his absolute best and beyond. Video games are an art form and every asset is a brush stroke with a purpose. Thought provoking, emotionally moving, or just plain fun; it all has a unique function and purpose. From geometry, to texturing, all the way down to the game’s base code needs to live seamlessly together to create the illusion of a living, breathing world. To draw the player in and leave them breathless at the end wanting more. 

With his wide ranging experience in all aspects of game production, he has seen it all and done it all. Modeling, texturing, lighting, design, programming, and even motion capture, there isn’t an aspect of video games he hasn’t touched. This allows him an intimate understanding of the entire production process. Allows him to work well with others and understand their methods. To communicate on a level that can make a team work like a well oiled machine. To create the most amazing experiences and ideas no matter how tough or impossible they may seem. And he enjoys every minute of it.